This online application form will allow you to apply for any of the programs at Pokhara College of Management. The information you are submitting will be reviewed by the admissions office.
1. SEE Mark-sheet
2. SEE Character Certificate
3. 10+2 Mark-sheet
4. 10+2 Character Certificate
Please contact to our administration for further details.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 061-544761 | 061-570124
Prabhu Bank Limited
Account No: 0560153103200019
Pokhara College Of Management Pvt Ltd
Newroad, Pokhara
Please read the instructions carefully before proceeding to the application.
If you encounter any difficulties during the application process, please contact the admissions office directly via email: [email protected] or telephone: 061 544761, 061 570124
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